
By COG Promo / Feb 25, 2020

Australian Government and the Small Business Digital Champions Project

Quick summary

If you are a small to medium sized business in Australia and need to transform your business, get in touch with our agency today. We’re experts at connecting brand to business and our focus is small business.

COG Promo is proud to be engaged as provider to the Small Business Digital Champions Project.

The Small Business Digital Champions project is an Australian Government initiative, they want to make it easier for small businesses to engage with digital technology and reach their potential, to assist them in being more effective, being more competitive and ultimately, more profitable.

As a Sydney marketing and promotions company we have encountered many small businesses, and what we know to be true is that all business owners are time poor and have little time to get their heads around the latest technology. Reports show that when small businesses are digitally engaged, they are more likely to be making more money, creating more jobs, and more likely to be innovating new products and services.

Through our services COG Promo understand that small business owners struggle to really understand how new technology can be injected into an existing business to reduce day to day challenges. When a business is time poor and stressed – technology can often increase this when it is difficult and the unknown.

There is an inherent power to the digital transformation of a small business. COG Promo has transformed hundreds of small to medium businesses and have seen the benefits of taking a business online and into the technological age. Most businesses in Australia are small (just shy of 100%) and they contribute around $393 billion annually to our economy (specifically in 2018). Small business Australia employs just under 6 million people (half of the Australian private sector workforce!). Not many people truly understand that small businesses create the majority of Aussie jobs and drive the future success off our nation.

Data from ABS shows that only half of Australian businesses have a website, and of these less are using technology and software for accounting and invoicing. But again, further research has proven that when small businesses are digitally engaged, more than half the time they are more likely to be growing revenue, creating jobs and innovating new products or services.



If you are a small to medium sized business in Australia and need to transform your business, get in touch with our agency today. We’re experts at connecting brand to business and our focus is small business. Call (02) 9523 6007

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Quemby Head

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